Lawyers in Rostov-on-Don

Branch of the Bar Association "Grozny and Partners" in Rostov-on-Don


Basic information

  • Specialization:
  • City: Rostov-on-Don
  • Office: 344068, Rostov-on-Don, Nagibina ave. 40 office 212
  • Phone: +7(863)333-5204

Assistance of a lawyer in Rostov and the Rostov region


The work of a lawyer in Rostov and the Rostov region has its own specifics. It is close to the specifics of similar activities in other regions of Russia. In any case, an understanding of its principles is required from the lawyer.


One of the key points is the law enforcement practice in the courts. In district and city courts, of which there are 44 in the region, it is more or less uniform. But in the world it may differ. This is due to the lack of a unified position on the interpretation of the current legislation among magistrates. Accordingly, one can make one decision, and the other on a similar case is completely different. At the same time, both decisions will not formally contradict the law and other regulatory legal acts. Because of this, when defending clients, a lawyer must necessarily take into account the specifics of the work of a particular court.


Otherwise, everything is about the same as in other regions. In any case, in order to effectively protect clients in Rostov and the region, a lawyer must be a true professional in his field: he has an excellent knowledge of legislation, judicial practice, and most importantly, be able to apply all this in business. It is such specialists who are members of the bar association "Grozny and Partners", which offers legal assistance in Rostov-on-Don.


What legal services do we provide?


Our bar association provides all types of legal services.


Participation in civil law disputes.


We will help in disputes about:


● property;

● consumer protection;

● inheritance;

● fulfillment of obligations under the contract;

● dwellings.


We have extensive experience in resolving non-property disputes. And most importantly, by legal coercion of the second party to fulfill non-property obligations. After all, this is much more difficult than achieving a fair decision in court (although the latter is also very difficult).


We help in disputes arising from family legal relations and concerning:


●alimony payments;

● child's place of residence;

● the order of communication with the child of one of the parents.


When participating in civil law disputes, we guarantee the outcome of the case, the most favorable for the client. This implies full satisfaction of its requirements or minimization of adverse consequences. It all depends on the specific circumstances.


Participation in administrative matters.


We provide protection in administrative cases:


● we represent the client's interests in the bodies authorized to draw up and review administrative protocols;

● we participate in court sessions;

● we prepare and submit appeals, petitions, complaints.


We can state with confidence that there are no ideal administrative cases. Errors begin already at the stage of drawing up the protocol. And they continue until the ruling is issued. This is due to many factors, but the main ones are the insufficient competence of authorized officials and the large amount of work they have. Due to these circumstances, almost any administrative case can be "deployed" in the direction of the accused of committing an administrative offense. As a maximum, this is the termination of the case, and at least – mitigation of punishment (up to a warning).


Protection of suspects in criminal cases.


We provide a criminal defense service. We provide full support of the case:


● we get acquainted with the materials and give them a legal assessment;

● we participate in investigative actions: interrogations, confrontations and others;

● defending the client in court;

●we appeal against illegal court decisions.


The support of criminal cases has a number of nuances. Even if the fact of an illegal act really took place on the part of the suspect, he needs protection because of the likelihood of violation of the law by the investigation, inquiry, prosecutor's office or even the court. It can be expressed in the following:


● incorrect qualification of the actions of the suspect, the accused;

● violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure during investigative actions;

● incomplete or incorrect assessment of the circumstances of the case by the court.


The result of our work is the achievement of the most favorable outcome for the client. It can be expressed in the termination of the case or mitigation of punishment.


Other services

We will also help:


● defend interests in CAS litigation;

● protect your intellectual property;

● protect the rights of servicemen and conscripts.


We provide mediation and business support services.


Why us?


Here are a few reasons why you should contact us:


● Professionalism. Our board includes only the best lawyers who are well aware of the legislation, judicial and law enforcement practice.

● Guarantees. We guarantee the achievement of the most favorable outcome of the situation for the client.

● Experience. We have been helping people for years. During this time, we have gained a wealth of practical experience, which helps us to effectively solve customer problems.

● Speed. We save customers' time, so we work quickly.


To get help, fill out the form on our website or contact us in any other convenient way.


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